Split Decision

There's a new effort by some to split California into two separate states. I do not believe this will ever happen.

Why don't I believe this? It has nothing to do with whether or not it would be a beneficial idea for Northern California to be one state and Southern California to be another. The reasons have something to do with infrastructure and zoning and not making the revenues from one area pay for the needs of another. I don't know from that stuff. What I know is this joke…

There's a proposal to divide California into two states, Upper California and Lower California. That's a bad idea for those of us down here. How would you like to live in Low-Cal?

Wanna know where I heard that joke? In 1965 when I went to watch a taping of The Red Skelton Show, Red told that joke. That's how long they've been talking about this. If there were any logical reason to do it, it would have happened by now.