Weather or Not

Here's a link to a piece by Al Gore about Climate Change, which is what we used to call Global Warming before the really, really stupid people started saying that every cold day was proof that there's no such thing.

That's one of the three lame arguments that I get in my e-mail each time I veer towards the topic here. Another is to cite some high school science teacher in Poughkeepsie or somewhere — or to even name a few scientists of dubious credentials who insist there's no evidence the climate is changing — and then to say, "Well, one side says one thing and one side says the other…so I guess they cancel each other out and we can forget about it." No, they don't cancel each other out. The scale ain't even close to balanced on this one.

And then the last and lamest argument goes something like this: "Hey, Al Gore says it's so and we all know you can't believe a single thing Al Gore says." To some, that's inarguable proof the climate ain't changing…and things like record temps, increased typhoons, melted glaciers and hundreds of respected meteorologists and other kinds of scientists can be discounted because, you know, Al Gore is kind of a dick. My right-wing friend Roger used to try that one until he realized that he thinks most of the Republican presidential candidates are dicks and he doesn't think that disproves their economic theories.

So don't bother sending me any of those arguments. I hope Climate Change is all just a massive hoax or delusion but I think the evidence that it's real is strong enough — and the consequences of doing nothing could be so catastrophic — that this country should be proceeding as if it's so. If a lot of really smart people (forget Al Gore if you think he isn't one) tell you your house is on fire, you oughta do something about it instead of finding reasons why they could all be wrong.