Saturday Afternoon

I see in many places on the 'net that online registration this morning for Comic-Con was maddening and slow and at times, impossible. I don't know how true that is but I do know that it won't help if you write and tell me of your experiences. Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger has nothing to do with that and cannot help you. To those who insist, "There must be a better way to do this," I will just say that it's been my observation and experience that the managers of Comic-Con are really, really sharp and competent. There may well be a better way but if they haven't found one, maybe it isn't as easy as some might think.

Let me remind you that there is another fine comic book convention from the same management for which tickets are easily obtainable, plus you don't have to wait for July to experience it. WonderCon is in San Francisco April 1-3. No, it's not as big as Comic-Con but you don't see all of Comic-Con, anyway. Something to consider, whether you make it to Comic-Con or not.