Next Saturday evening while I'm in San Francisco for the WonderCon, I'm taking a bunch of friends to see Frank Ferrante perform his glorious Groucho simulation at the Jewish Community Center. And hey, why shouldn't an Italian guy play a Jew? Chico Marx was a Jewish guy playing an Italian.
Anyway, one of the friends I'm taking, Tom Galloway, sent me a link to this article about Frank. See? I'm not the only person who writes about him.
On Sunday, March 8, Frank's doing his show for one matinee performance at the La Mirada Theater in, of all places, La Mirada, California. That's as close to Los Angeles as he's been in years and he probably won't be Hackenbushing anywhere near L.A. again for quite some time. So a number of folks I know in town here (including me again) are going down to see him there. La Mirada isn't as far as it sounds. It's about midway between downtown L.A. and Disneyland and they have a very nice theater down there.