Today's Video Audio Link

Lately, I've seen an awful lot of rude people at live shows…especially people who snap photos and video with their little digital cameras and cameraphones, despite announcements that this is prohibited. I suppose there's always been a certain amount of rudeness this way but in the high-tech era, everyone seems to have some sort of recording device on their person and I guess the temptation to use them is too great.

This is actually an audio link. It's a recording from one of the last performances that Patti LuPone gave as Momma Rose in Gypsy. Someone was snapping pics during the big show-stopping number, "Rose's Turn," so Patti stopped the show and scolded the photo-taker, refusing to continue until the person was ejected. Once that was done, she started the number again from the top…and I'll bet the audience loved it. I also bet none of those people are going to take pictures in a theater for a lonnnng time.

Of course, there's a certain irony here because whoever recorded this audio and posted it to YouTube was violating the same rule just as blatantly as the clown with the camera. I guess they wanted to spread the warning that you should stick to the less obvious methods of rule-breaking. (By the way: The rule against taking photos is not just a matter of the producers wanting to preserve intellectual property. Performers on stage can be momentarily blinded by a flash in the darkness and can stumble or fall. At the very least, they can be distracted and it can harm the show for everyone.)

The audio's a little weak in spots so you might want to crank up your speakers for this. It runs a little over three minutes and the outburst occurs about 45 seconds in…