So I work on this TV series called The Garfield Show. They call me its Supervising Producer — a title so meaningless to me that, I swear to you, I just went and looked at the beginning of an episode to make sure that's my title. It is…but I prefer to tell people I write a lot of the show and I direct the voices. We are currently in production on Season 4…and whenever I mention that to someone who follows the show (there are such people), they go, "Huh? What happened to Season 3?"
The Garfield Show is produced for the international market and the program's seen in the darnedest countries. It's on everywhere but sometimes, it isn't on in America. Cartoon Network ran the first two seasons over and over and over and over and over and over and even over until they'd run 'em as many times as their contract allowed. Then there was some sort of snag in negotiations and it's taken until just recently to make a deal that will allow them to run Season 3, which has long since aired in other nations and to also get in more runs of the first two seasons in this country. They start doing this on Tuesday.
The time slot (10 AM in most time zones) allows for two half-hours, back-to-back. On Tuesday, they'll fill it with "Garfield's Furry Tales," a four-part, one-hour episode in which Garfield reads a story about a prince who looks like Jon Arbuckle and an evil viceroy who sounds strangely like Stan Freberg and there's a dragon in there and…well, I hope you'll tune in.
Most other days for the next few weeks, the first half-hour will be a new show. The second will be a rerun…and someplace in there, they'll broadcast a few more of the new hour-long episodes. I presume. They never tell me anything and so far, I'm finding this stuff out when I check my TiVo listings. If you have a tenth as much fun watching these as we did making them, you're going to have a good time. Indeed.