Cheap! From New York!


Have you been shelling out $70 apiece for the DVD sets of the early seasons of Saturday Night Live? Well then, you won't be overjoyed by this post that tells you you could have gotten them a lot cheaper if you'd waited. Over at Amazon, prices have been slashed to what seem like closeout levels.

At this moment — knowing Amazon, it could change any minute — you can pick up Season One for $16.99. Season Two is $22.49. Season Three is $22.99. Season Four is $19.49. And Season Five is a whopping $47.49, which I think is what Amazon sold each of these for when they first came out. So Season Five will probably get down near the twenty buck level before long.

Clicking on the above links will take you to where you can order. This site receives a tiny commission on each one you buy through our links. If anyone does, I will use the money I receive to take my friend Vince Waldron to lunch at Souplantation next month. Vince is the one who told me about these bargains so he is deserving.

And by the way, I have no idea why Amazon lists the stars of Season Three as "Don Pardo, Lenny Pickett, Darrell Hammond and G.E. Smith." It may have something to do with being disoriented from selling all those $999 Groo books.