Foto Blogging

So without a lot of time to write, I'm going to create the illusion of activity on this weblog by posting photos. This one was taken last weekend at the National Cartoonist Society get-together in Scottsdale, Arizona. The gent with the mustache is my collaborator of mucho años, Sergio Aragonés, who has been a mainstay of MAD Magazine since 1963. The man he's speaking with is Jack Davis, who was in MAD as of its first issue in 1952, and who went on to become one of the most popular commercial artists in the world. They're sharing a nice moment talking about something-or-other. Sneaking past them at left is Irwin Hasen, who was a great illustrator for DC Comics in the forties and early fifties, and who was later best known for the Dondi newspaper strip. Read more about Sergio here and about Irwin here, and one of these days, I've got to write something about Jack.