Startling Revelation

Today's Daily Variety has an article about this award I'm receiving from the Writers Guild tonight. It's in the subscription-only area of their website and I don't feel like quoting it here, but I was amazed to read the first sentence and discover an interesting fact about myself. In my stock bio which I furnished to the Guild, the next to last line includes the following phrase…

[Evanier] has received three Emmy nominations (no wins).

Can't get much clearer than that. Nevertheless, the story in Variety begins…

Three-time Emmy winner Mark Evanier has been tapped for the sixth annual animation writing award by the WGA West's Animation Writers Caucus. The kudo will be presented tonight by the caucus at its annual reception.

I know it was a harmless mistake but I just cringe at stuff like this. There are people in this world who claim honors they really didn't receive and I'd hate for anyone to think either that I'd won three Emmys or that I was like Bill O'Reilly, bragging about two fictitious Peabody Awards. Maybe it's not a big gaffe but as a recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, I'm somewhat embarrassed.