Another Pitch For Donations

Traffic at this site is way, way up to the point where I have been exceeding my allotted bandwidth and the hosting service has started to charge me more money. I am therefore making another of those shameless suggestions that you either send me some money via PayPal or place your Amazon purchases through one of my links.

(Special Bargain Hint: Amazon has a special Evanier two-fer in progress that will benefit those of you who haven't purchased my books, Comic Books And Other Necessities of Life and Wertham Was Right. Individually, they sell them for $12.95 and $11.66, which mean that to buy both would cost you $24.61. But on either page, there's a special offer which will get you both books for…$24.61, a savings of absolutely nothing. But it will at least feel like you're getting a bargain, and if you spend 39 cents for something else, the order will qualify for free shipping.)

Also, I haven't mentioned it here but we have one of those affiliate deals with Movies Unlimited, which has a huge selection of videotapes and DVDs, sometimes at better prices than you'll find at Amazon. If you click on the name here, it will take you to their site and then we'll get a tiny commission on whatever you order there.

By the way: Someone asked me about the privacy of these affiliate referral deals, and the answer is that I get a list of what folks order there but not the names of the buyers. For instance, my current report with Amazon tells me that in the last thirty days, users of this site have ordered ten copies of The Complete Far Side, nine copies of National Lampoon's 1964 High School Yearbook Parody, seven copies each of Stan Lee and the Rise and Fall of the American Comic Book and my pal Alan Brennert's novel Moloka'i, and a whole mess of Groo books and individual items, but I have no idea who bought what. I don't even know which of you bought this. And I don't want to know.