The Recall

They're saying Gray Davis can't be saved and Arnold can't be stopped. That's not how I'm voting but I don't care enough about Davis or Bustamante to get worked up over it. I cannot understand anyone's enthusiasm for Schwarzenegger, especially that of folks who have moralized in the past against so many things that he represents. Seems to me all he stands for is a G.O.P. victory, so his backers have managed to kid themselves into thinking he's even vaguely qualified. If I were an extreme Republican, I'd be pissed at him for beating Tom McClintock and if I were a moderate Republican, I'd be mad that he sandbagged Richard Riordan out of the race. Both of them have experience, an understanding of the issues and a set of core beliefs more compatible with their party.

But hey, Arnold looks like he's going to win. And that's all that matters, isn't it?

So far, my biggest disappointment about this whole election is that Larry Flynt hasn't made any trouble. I was looking forward to him giving interviews and trying to crash the debates. I don't even understand why he threw his hat in the ring if he wasn't going to unleash sex scandals and throw mud.

Ah, well. This recall will be over soon and we can all turn our attention to the next one.