More About Spirit World

P.S. I forgot to mention two things in my foreword…which for some reason is in the middle of the book. One is that I did the design of photos on the Table of Contents page. Not that that's a big deal but I was identifying who did what and omitted that.

Also, people often ask me why DC printed it in dark blue ink. It wasn't Jack's idea.  The first he knew of it was when he received the "make-ready," which is what they called a printer's proof that was sent to you for your "approval" after it was too late to change anything. He called up DC and asked why they'd printed it in blue ink and at first, he couldn't find anyone who'd own up to the decision; not even folks who'd had to okay such a thing. Finally, one person told him it had been decided in a production meeting. Jack had been arguing that the book should be printed in color, not in black-and-white. The cost differential wasn't that huge but DC had no confidence in the project and had decided to save the modest amount.

In the meeting (we were told), someone said, "You know, Jack keeps telling us this book should be in color." So someone else said, "Okay, to shut him up, let's print it in a colored ink" and that's why it was dark-blue-and-white instead of black-and-white. It was — need I add? — not what Mr. Kirby had in mind. I think one of us said, "Well, at least they didn't pick yellow!"