Lazlo's Back!

Don Novello is better known to most folks as Father Guido Sarducci but he's also known to many of us as the bizarre Lazlo Toth, author of several books of silly letters to famous people. He appeared this afternoon on Crossfire to plug it and I laughed out loud when he said the following with regard to George W. Bush…

First he said Saddam, he can run but he can't hide. He's running good. Couldn't find Saddam. Couldn't find Osama. Couldn't find Saddam. Can't find weapons of mass destruction. Can't find anthrax. Couldn't find Chandra Levy. Only person these people have found is Tommy Chong.

Novello's new Lazlo Toth book is called From Bush to Bush and I just ordered a copy from Amazon…as you can do by clicking on the underlined name. I'll let you know how it is when I receive it but if it's even a third as wonderful as his first two books, it'll be well worth the purchase. The first two are still in print, by the way.