Wonderful Con

Bruce Timm and Erik Larsen signing autographs.

A darn good time was had by everyone — well, by me at least — at the Wondercon last Fri/Sat/Sun in Oakland.  Loads of fun guests from the worlds of comics and film, the latter grouping including Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Julie Newmar and Gary Burghoff.  The former included Russ Heath, Murphy Anderson, Erik Larsen, Brent Anderson, Bruce Timm, Herb Trimpe and loads of others.  Mr. Trimpe was especially mobbed because (a) it was his first West Coast convention, (b) many sympathize with what happened to him, which was that — as he detailed in a New York Times article — Marvel dumped him after years of faithful service and (c) people love the comics he drew during said faithful service.

That article can be accessed by clicking here and it was a joy to see Herb surrounded by fans and to dine with him and his terrific wife, Linda Fite.

I have almost nothing else to report.  You get outta-touch with the world while you're at a con.  One of the great "misses" of my life as a devoted Watergate-wallower was that I was away at a con the weekend Nixon fired Archibald Cox and so I didn't get to witness the famed "Saturday Night Massacre" on teevee.  That would have been a lot more interesting than the science-fiction convention I was attending, even if it had less to do with reality.  Anyway, I'll have some more news here in a couple of days.