Fox Vs. Franken

Here is the actual text of the lawsuit that Fox News has filed against Al Franken for co-opting (or ridiculing, as the case may be) their phrase, "fair and balanced." You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to read a document which suggests that the Fox guys were more interested in insulting Franken than in winning their point.

With Franken's as-yet-unreleased book topping the charts at Amazon, we are reminded of the time The Bullwinkle Show featured a storyline about a hat called The Kurward Derby. TV personality Durward Kirby announced his intention to sue. Bullwinkle producer Jay Ward immediately announced that he would pay all of Kirby's legal expenses to do so. "The publicity," he said, "would be worth a fortune to me." (Kirby, alas, never filed…)