Something Dumb

A very talented gent named Craig McCracken created the animated series known as The Powerpuff Girls, which is seen constantly on Cartoon Network and everywhere else. Another very talented gent named Genndy Tartakovsky created the ones known as Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack, which are also seen often on Cartoon Network. Why am I telling you this? Because — jerk that I am — I got them confused in my newly-released book, Wertham Was Right. As Kenneth Plume (of IGN FilmForce) just called to my attention, I wrote on page 56, "Powerpuff Girls is the vision of a terrific artist named Genndy Tartakovsky."

It doesn't invalidate the point I was trying to make, which was that the best cartoons are done by strong-willed, distinctive creators, but it's still incorrect. I plugged in the name of the wrong strong-willed, distinctive creator, and I can't blame it on the head of the C.I.A. Nor can I claim that the British are still standing by this statement. It's no one's fault but my own. Genndy did work on The Powerpuff Girls but it was created by Craig, and next time I'm out at Cartoon Network, I'll give them both copies of the book with my sincere apologies and invite them to kick me in some appropriate spot. (If you'd like to order a copy in spite of this, click here. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.)