Book Reviews

I just read Sidney Blumenthal's book, The Clinton Wars — which like most book titles that are underlined on the Internet can be ordered from Amazon by clicking its name. I may say more about it here later but I have been saved the task of writing a review now since Richard Cohen has written one that summarizes my feelings exactly.

While I'm at it: I'm currently working my way through An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 by Robert Dallek. Portions of it are a little dry, especially as it works its way through bare bones historical details. One thing that does interest me is Dallek's account of Lyndon Johnson accepting the vice-presidential nomination in 1960. All the other books I've ever read have said that L.B.J. was dragged kicking and screaming into the second position on the ticket and they quote various Democratic officials as bracing him and telling him that for the good of country, party and Nixon-defeating, he had to accept what he considered a humiliating offer. Dallek however has Johnson manuevering to be picked, telling a friend that taking the veep slot was the only conceivable route for him ever to become President. I dunno if this is the truth or if the other version is correct — and with Johnson, it was not out of the question for two mutually-exclusive facts to be true — but this intrigued me.