Several of you have written to remind me that Nora Dunn wasn't the only person who opted out of Saturday Night Live the week Andrew Dice Clay hosted. Sinead O'Connor had been booked as the musical guest that week and she chose not to share a stage with the Diceman. Ms. O'Connor instead appeared as the first musical guest of the following season. Two years later, she appeared again — and that was the infamous episode hosted by Tim Robbins. She ended her second musical number by whipping out a photo of the Pope and tearing it up, much to the shock of the show's producers. (In all rehearsals, she tore up a photo with less significance.)
Also, a couple of folks wrote to say that even the full 90-minute reruns of Saturday Night Live are not always complete, and that lines are sometimes edited. This may be so, but those are probably not strict edits. What SNL has sometimes done with its reruns is to substitute the version of a sketch taped at the dress rehearsal. I suppose they figure that once you get to even the first rerun, it's no longer live so it doesn't matter if they do this. But a couple of times, Lorne Michaels (or whoever) has decided to dump the "live" version of a sketch and insert the dress rehearsal incarnation, which may differ more than a little. They did this when they reran the episode with Sinead O'Connor and the Pope photo, replacing that entire number with the taping from the dress rehearsal.
So if you watch SNL reruns in sequence, there's a show where Sinead O'Connor ends her song by tearing up a photo of someone other than the Pope. Then on the following show, the guest host is Joe Pesci and he comes out in the monologue and discusses how on the previous show, Sinead O'Connor tore up a photo of the Pope, and he even shows the photo and how it's been taped back together. This will someday confuse the hell out of someone if it hasn't already.