And I just got these press releases from NBC, statements from Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno. Looks like I spoke too soon when I said posting here would be light today. Here's Conan's…
For the past seven weeks of the writers' strike, I have been and continue to be an ardent supporter of the WGA and their cause. My career in television started as a WGA member and my subsequent career as a performer has only been possible because of the creativity and integrity of my writing staff. Since the strike began, I have stayed off the air in support of the striking writers while, at the same time, doing everything I could to take care of the 80 non-writing staff members on Late Night.
Unfortunately, now with the New Year upon us, I am left with a difficult decision. Either go back to work and keep my staff employed or stay dark and allow 80 people, many of whom have worked for me for fourteen years, to lose their jobs. If my show were entirely scripted I would have no choice. But the truth is that shows like mine are hybrids, with both written and non-written content. An unwritten version of Late Night, though not desirable, is possible – and no one has to be fired.
So, it is only after a great deal of thought that I have decided to go back on the air on January 2nd. I will make clear, on the program, my support for the writers and I'll do the best version of Late Night I can under the circumstances. Of course, my show will not be as good. In fact, in moments it may very well be terrible. My sincerest hope is that all of my writers are back soon, working under a contract that provides them everything they deserve.
I have mixed feelings about this. I agree that it's awful for staff members to be tossed out of work. It would be awful if Conan's crew lost their livelihoods, just as it's awful that other people throughout the TV and motion picture industries are losing their jobs. On the one hand, it's tough for an outsider to assess the pressures, both from business associates and circumstance, that Jay and Conan are under. On yet another, it's hard not to think that their going back may add some weeks to the strike and cost more people their paychecks.
The statement from Leno is shorter and in serious need of a good writer to punch it up…
This has been a very difficult six weeks for everybody affected by the writers strike. I was, like most people, hoping for a quick resolution when this began. I remained positive during the talks and while they were still at the table discussing a solution "The Tonight Show" remained dark in support of our writing staff. Now that the talks have broken down and there are no further negotiations scheduled I feel it's my responsibility to get my 100 non-writing staff, which were laid off, back to work. We fully support our writers and I think they understand my decision.
I'm a big fan of Jay Leno both as a performer and as a human being. I've seen this guy do some wonderful things for other people just out of plain old human decency. But I remember when there was the big strike at the Comedy Store and other local clubs, trying to establish that comedians should be paid for their work at these places. Leno was a major ringleader of that effort. I marched with the guy carrying signs that said, "No Bucks, No Yuks" and "Catch a Rising Scab!" And I think that if someone had crossed our picket line with that kind of rationale and pretense of showing support, Jay would have run over the guy with his 1955 Buick Roadmaster.