These are the days when some of us foolishly wonder if there's any way to postpone the Comic-Con International for a week or two. It's amazing how the con becomes a marker in our lives. For weeks now, I've been dividing all tasks into "before the con" and "after the con" categories. I must get my hair cut "before the con." I can put off running those errands for my mother until "after the con."
I think I'm on top of all my pre-con duties, especially those that pertain to the events I'm hosting there. And by the way, I am not responsible for the fact that one of my panels you wish to see is opposite some other event that you wish to see.
I'm looking forward to everything but especially to the Chuck McCann Spotlight (Friday at 1:00) and all the Saturday events. Yes, the schedule will be hectic but, hey, fun is not always easy. (Hey, if any con attendee is planning to lunch over at the Kansas City Barbecue Company — a wonderful place to dine, not far from the convention center — and wants to bring me back a well-timed chicken sandwich, please drop me a line. The food at the convention center leaves a lot to be desired…such as edibility.)
For that matter, I should mention to first-time attendees that the San Diego Convention Center can be a huge, oppressive opponent. It's large and the floors feel like pure granite. The most comfortable shoes you own will still not be comfy enough. One reason I do so many panels is that it's easier to stay upstairs all afternoon, usually in one room, than to go up and down and up and down. We've compiled this list of ten tips that may aid your survival.
Here's one that's not on the list but probably should be: If you're driving to the Convention Center and will need a parking space, I'd leave now.
We're making a few changes in the lineup for the Cartoon Voice Panel on Saturday — where, by the way, I will be challenging the participants to read a script about which they currently know nothing. Other than that, I don't anticipate any changes in my program items but if there are any and I know about them in advance, I will post here.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I have about eleven "before the con" things to do today…