Today's Video Link

You all saw this but I'm going to stick it up here anyway. It's the Betty White/Abe Vigoda commercial that ran during the Super Bowl. Funny bit…and of course, it's nice to see the two of them working. And walking. And breathing.

There's apparently an Internet campaign on to have Ms. White host Saturday Night Live. That would be great…and it would take something like a web crusade to make it happen since SNL ain't gonna let anyone on just because they're funny. But they do seem to allow one token host every season or three who doesn't meet any of their three qualifications to host: Starring in major motion picture for youth market, could pass for under 30 or is Alec Baldwin. I don't see why Betty White couldn't be one of those token hosts.

And hey, it's always great to see Abe. Plus, it saves us all the trouble of clicking on this link to make sure he's still alive…