Today's Political Rants

I only saw a little of Rumsfeld's testimony this morning but it struck me that he thinks (and apparently, others think) that being in the dark about something is an acceptable excuse for those in positions of ostensible leadership. If you didn't know about something, even if it's because you never got around to reading those reports you should have, that's okay. I wish people were more demanding in this country when it comes to people in power actually knowing what's going on in their departments and divisions. Rumsfeld and his supporters seem to think "I didn't know what was going on" is a reason he shouldn't be fired. I think it's a dandy reason to fire anyone in such a sensitive, important position.

I'm also tired of what I call the non-acceptance acceptance of responsibility, a move popularized by Ronald Reagan during the Iran-Contra flap. That's when you try to make it crystal clear that it wasn't your fault; that others did it and not you…and then you try to demonstrate leadership and manliness by saying, "I accept the responsibility." This is an irresponsible way of defining "responsibility."

End of today's rants. I have to go meet some folks for lunch.