Today, the unique creature known as Scott Shaw! presents the one-thousandth installment of his Oddball Comics column over at his page. It's not the one I was expecting but it's a goodie: Jacky's Diary, a comic book version of a very funny, short-lived comic strip with the same name. Written and drawn by Jack Mendelsohn (age 32½), it was a one-of-a-kind creation and I hope some enterprising publisher will someday get around to republishing the entire run of the newspaper strip. Scott's column will tell you all sorts of fun facts about our mutual friend, Jack, but I do want to add my endorsement of both the comic and the column. (I told Scott which bizarre funnybook I thought he'd pick for #1000 and he said, "Hmm…that would have been a good one." If he's any kind of friend, he'll feature it soon.)