Strange Schwartz Stories

The other day, I set up an e-mail address for folks to send messages to the great comic book editor, Julius Schwartz, telling him we value him and hope his health improves. You might be interested to know that close to 100 messages appeared in the mailbox before this one arrived…

I am Chief Otumba Adedeji the chairman of Contract advisory board of the Nigeria Department of Petroleum Resources (D.P.R) I am contacting you based on the esteem recommendation from a high ranking officer of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, This business proposal I wish to intimate you with is of mutual benefit and its success is based on trust, cooperation and a high level of confidentiality. I am seeking your assistance in the Utilization of the sum US$18.5M (Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars). This fund came about as a result of a contract awarded and executed on behalf of my ministry the department of Petroleum Resources (D.P.R).

…and it went on from there. I was kind of impressed that the e-mail address was only operative for about 36 hours before the Spam Robots found it.

It may lead to an increase in such mail but I'm going to ask you all to spread the e-mail address around the Internet. Post it to newsgroups and on comic-related message boards. Let every comic book reader know that they can get a message to Julius Schwartz by sending it to

And yes, when I send the packet of messages to Julie, I'm leaving in the letter from Chief Otumba Adedeji. Who knows? The Chief may have had a subscription to Justice League of America.