Bang the horn! Blow the drum! A nagging void on the Internet has at long last been filled with the arrival of The Official Pogo Website, located freeway close over at the easy-to-remember address of As everyone with an I.Q. higher than their neck measurement is well aware, Walt Kelly's Pogo was one of the two or so greatest newspaper comic strips of all time. It was witty, it was insightful, it was mesmerizing and though set in the backwater environs of the Okefenokee Swamp, it was urbane as all get out. Best and most of all, it was funny and way ahead not just of its time but ours, as well. So it's about time Mr. Kelly's possum had an official web presence, and now he does. The site is operated by the folks to whom W.K. bequeathed his creations, and Full Disclosure requires that I admit I am a consultant to said folks. Matter of fact, I not only consult but I designed this great web page I'm plugging here. But don't let my obvious self-interest dissuade you from visiting early and often. There will be a weekly Pogo strip for your edification, plus facts and faqs and in the weeks to come, we'll be adding all sorts of stuff about the creation and its creator. End of plug. Go there.