Going Postal


The late Jack Benny always claimed to be 39 years old. The U.S. Postal Service is about to raise the price of first-class postage to 39 cents. Don't you think there ought to be a 39-cent Jack Benny stamp? Of course there should be a 39-cent Jack Benny stamp. It goes without saying that there should be a 39-cent Jack Benny stamp and it doesn't have to look like the little fake one I whipped up in about two minutes of Photoshopping.

So stop reading this weblog and go add your name to this online petition.

(Don't let the fact that you're asked for your e-mail address stop you from doing that or anything. A lot of folks are afraid to give out theirs for fear they'll be bombarded with Nigerian scams, loan offers and Cialis bargains. Easy way to avoid it: Get a Junk Mail Address. Go to Hotmail or Yahoo or some other free online e-mail service and sign up for some e-mail address you will use whenever a site asks you to sign up or enter that info. You can check out that mailbox every month or three or when you sign up somewhere that asks you to validate your address by responding to one e-mail. It can never affect your regular e-mail account in any way.)

UPDATE, a half hour later: Yes, I know there was a Jack Benny stamp in 1991, part of a set drawn by Al Hirschfeld of famous comedians. So what? There have been eight million stamps with George Washington on them and he wasn't even all that funny. There can be another of Benny.