Recommended Reading

Harper's Magazine has an interesting article up: A History of the Iraq War Told Entirely In Lies.

(For what it's worth, for reasons I'll explain at greater length here one of these days, I am not comfortable with the use of the word "lie" to describe any statement that eventually turns out to be untrue. "Lie" connotes deliberate deception and I suspect that some or all of the false assertions and reports fall into the slightly different categories of exaggeration, selective reporting, believing stuff that more competent people would have known was bogus, and encouraging others to tell you what you want to hear. None of this is wholly forgiveable, especially when it amounts to passing the buck to unnamed others who also will not be held accountable. But it's not all a matter of "lies.")

Also, over in The New Yorker, this article by Jane Mayer discusses CIA interrogation that turns into arguable murder.