Yours truly is quoted in this Associated Press article about why Jay Leno is increasing his lead over David Letterman in late night. I said what I said but I wish I'd said it a bit more eloquently.
I don't think Jay's show is "different every night." I think both shows have become more repetitive than I'd like. I just find Letterman has gotten a bit too predictable for me to watch it as often as I once did. I TiVo both programs, fast-forward through certain segments of both and enjoy Dave when he seems truly engaged in an interview, which lately is like one guest per week. I don't like at all that Jay so often delegates Act Two of his show — the comedy bit after the first commercial break — to others, and I can't stand the bits based on the utter stupidity of people on the street or in the audience. (I feel the same way about Letterman's use of stagehands and Rupert, the guy with the deli around the corner.)
But night after night, Leno comes out with a first-rate topical monologue and unlike Letterman, always seems happy to be there, happy to see his guests. I go back and forth but these days, I find myself watching more of Jay, less of Dave. What I should have told that reporter is that what I really wish is that those guys had more competition than each other.