Too Much News

So now Justice Rehnquist has died. Not a huge surprise, of course, but the political climate in this country didn't need one more divisive battle at this time.

The politics of Hurricane Katrina were already getting out of hand, what with so many people working backwards from their support or dislike of George W. Bush and figuring out how to assign the blame accordingly. My own feeling is that there's enough blame for the shoddy preparation and rescue operations that no one in a position of power should escape.

But now, Congress is going to have to deal with two Supreme Court appointments from a president whose popularity will probably rival that of the B.T.K. Killer's in another month or so. And at the same time, they're going to have to deal with the rebuilding of a couple of states, the complete restructuring of our Disaster Response policies, and what I'm sure will be a highly-partisan inquiry into whose fault it was that more wasn't done for the Gulf Coast, before and after Katrina hit.

Oh, yeah…and there's still that war. And gas prices. And an ever-growing number of Americans living below the poverty level.

Maybe we could have another Michael Jackson molestation trial. Just to take our minds off everything else.