Working Girl


And now it's come to this: Betty Boop has gone to work for Hooters. That's right…Betty Boop, a 75 year old woman, has taken a job with a restaurant chain that forces women to wear tight shorts and tighter tops as they serve overpriced and overspiced chicken wings. I hope Grampy doesn't hear of this.

Poor Betty. We all know how even at the peak of her superstardom, she was horrendously underpaid. Max Fleischer compensated her so poorly she was never able to even afford a profile. Still, she managed to maintain her dignity…if you can call consorting with Koko the Clown "dignified." I guess she had to do this to eat, which is the only reason women go to Hooters. Men certainly don't.

Seriously, there's something highly symbolic — I'm not sure what but there's something — about the fantasy sex symbol of one era intermingling with the fantasy sex symbols of another. And while I've never been in a Hooters, I've walked past them and there always seems to be some lady serving out front who can't quite fit into the outfit they have her wearing. Given how real those women always seem, Betty's gonna feel right at home.