Possum Sale

As I'm sure we all agree, there should be a whole series of books in print of Walt Kelly's classic newspaper strip, Pogo. One of these days, there will be…because Pogo was maybe the wittiest, liveliest comic of all time. And you know what? It hasn't dated. Even though it was at times political, everything old is new again and its commentaries are frighteningly relevant today. Plus, it's funny and filled with some of the best-drawn comic characters ever. The good people of Italy found out some or all of this recently when one of their leading newspapers sponsored a new paperback reprinting material from two of the American paperbacks of yore.

Okay, so it's not the kind of Pogo book we crave. But it is a new Pogo book, and Pogo completists have been eager to get their mitts on a copy of what may turn out to be the rarest Pogo item in this country.

The management of the Official Pogo Website (which includes me) has managed to get hold of, and is now selling copies of this book. We don't have many, and they're in Italian. But we know some folks who'll have to have one, and they can order them over on that webpage. If you've seen the way prices skyrocket on Pogo collectibles, you know what a big-deal bargain this is. If you want to hold out for something in English, we certainly understand…but it may be a while.