me on the radio (Also About J.B.)

Not to take away from tomorrow's extravaganza on Shokus Internet Radio but I did a short interview this afternoon about Joe Barbera with my pal Paul Harris, who's heard on KMOX, the voice of St. Louis. You can hear it over on this page at Paul's site — and while you're there, look around a little. Paul's one of the best interviewers I've found and he has a knack for getting guests who are…well, let's just say they're generally more important and/or interesting than I am. And yes, I know that doesn't exactly thin out the herd much. Anyway, we chatted about the late 'n' great Joe B. for a bit.

I also did two separate interviews for BBC Radio and a couple of others…and I'll tell you how stupid I can be at times. When you do these by-phone interviews, they call you and as you wait to go on, you're usually listening to the station. Waiting for Paul to introduce me, I'm hearing a traffic report that the 270 Southbound is jammed due to heavy holiday traffic and an overturned vehicle…and I think, "Ooh…better stay off the 270 Southbound." Of course, two seconds later, I realize that I'm not likely to be travelling the 270 Southbound in the next hour or so since it's in St. Louis and I'm in Los Angeles. I don't know why I keep falling for this…only that I do.