Today's Bonus Video Link

In 1979, a new production of the musical version of Peter Pan appeared on Broadway with Sandy Duncan in the title role. It later toured and I recall seeing it at the Pantages in Hollywood with Christopher Hewett as her Captain Hook. (George Rose played the part in New York.) I thought she was wonderful — better even than Mary Martin. Alas, no cast album of the Duncan version was ever recorded, apparently due to some legal complexity involving rights. They sold the album of the Mary Martin version in the lobby of the Pantages, where I heard the person manning the booth explain to folks that he couldn't sell them a record of the Sandy Duncan version because there wasn't one.

Fortunately, snippets of Ms. Duncan's performance were preserved. The TV series, Omnibus, taped the the "I'm Flying" number and that's our video clip for tonight, kids. Now, think lovely thoughts and click the link…