Today's Video Link

Did you ever wonder what the toys are doing when no one is watching? Yeah, me neither. But if you're my age or thereabouts (I'm 54 physically, 6 emotionally), you might recall this commercial. Or have had your very own Popeye jack-in-the-box.

(Quick aside: This is my second link to a new video site called Veoh. They offer a program which you can download to your computer and then it will download videos to your hard drive for you. There are some slightly suspicious things about this downloading software. On my system, it kept loading itself into memory and running in the background even when I didn't want it there, so I deleted it. I don't know if it's unsafe or if it was just some anomaly with my computer. Until such time as folks who know more about this kind of thing than I do weigh in, you might want to proceed with caution regarding the Veoh software…but the watching of online videos should be safe.)