Sign Language

The other day, I stopped in at a small shopping center and made a few purchases at an Office Depot. On my way out, I witnessed a curious scene: A couple in their thirties (I'm guessing) walked up to the door and looked puzzled, like they were not expecting to find an Office Depot there. They looked around, then they asked an employee near the entrance where the Chinese restaurant was. The employee said there was no Chinese restaurant in the shopping center. The couple was even more puzzled but they staggered away and headed back for their car.

I didn't think much of it until earlier today when I was driving by that same shopping center. I chanced to notice that the way the buildings were configured, one of them cast a thick, black shadow across the large Office Depot sign, which was not lit. With a large part of that sign in darkness, it looked roughly like this…

And I thought: I wonder if that couple thought they'd spotted a new restaurant called the Rice Pot.