Recommended Reading

Here's a stunner: Theodore Olson, who I believe was a thoroughly dishonest, partisan Solicitor General of the U.S., writes a wise and cogent explanation of why reporters need to be able to protect their sources. It pretty well summarizes the way I feel…which since it's Olson makes me wonder if maybe I'm wrong.

In the meantime, a lot of Conservative columnists (like Charles Krauthammer here) are arguing for an amnesty for Iraq insurgents. I have no opinion if this is a good idea or a bad one. But I do think that if this had first been proposed by Democrats, all the same right-wingers — including Krauthammer — would be arguing that it was disgraceful and dangerous to be coddling, forgiving or doing anything but trying to wipe out a band of people who'd murdered American soldiers.

And here's Glenn Greenwald with what seems to me a good analysis of today's Supreme Court decision.