Survey Says!

As you've no doubt noticed, I have recently been embedding video links in this here weblog. You click on the picture and you see a little video clip which is actually situated over on Google Video or YouTube or ifilm. I have mixed feelings on how this is working.

The good thing about them is that you just click and you get to see the clip and it will usually not be preceded by an ad. The bad thing is that the embedded links sometimes cause this page to load slower. The little window I embed calls up a still picture from the other site and if that site's busy, it may not appear on this page immediately.

I don't know which is preferable so I've decided to conduct a survey. The cut-off time will be Noon (my time) on Sunday. At that point, I will tally all the votes and that will be the policy for this site. I will keep linking to video clips of interest no matter how the vote comes down but this will determine whether I embed the video links (as I've been doing lately) or if I just put up a link like this one or this one or even this one. So write and give me one of these two answers…

  • EMBEDDED VIDEO CLIPS, YES! – Yes, I like the little windows that I can just click on and watch a video clip on your site, Mark! It does not interfere with my browsing at all.
  • EMBEDDED VIDEO CLIPS, NO! – No, I would prefer to just have a normal link that I can click on and go see the clip on another site if I want, Mark! And yes, I know this may mean several more clicks or sometimes sitting through a brief ad.

Send your votes to this special address: You can tell me why you feel the way you do but I'll be satisified if you just send me a YES or a NO. Thank you…and please note that this may be the fairest election you've voted in for years.