I don't intend to fill this site with medical news since mine is usually just as boring as yours. However, this story is too good not to share…
This morning, I was back in an embarrassing gown at Cedars-Sinai, having a procedure which is known as an Upper G.I. Endoscopy. Basically, they knock you out and stick a little camera down your throat to check and see if all is well in your stomach. This is not as unpleasant as it sounds, it's over in a jif, and all reports from within the Evanier tummy were good news.
So it's before they wheel me in to have it done. I'm lying on a rolling hospital bed/gurney with an I.V. in one arm and a machine that constantly takes my blood pressure strapped to the other. The nurse draws the curtain back and the man on the next gurney over can see me and I can see him. He is a rather well-known TV personality-actor, and someone I have met briefly on a few occasions. He recognizes me, I recognize him. We exchange greetings and he tells me he's there for the same thing I'm there for, except that in his case, they're going in the other end.
We speak for a few more minutes and then an orderly comes and starts wheeling him off to the appropriate room. As he departs, he yells back to me, "I DON'T WANT TO READ ON YOUR WEBLOG THAT I HAD A COLONOSCOPY THIS MORNING, EVANIER! DO YOU HEAR ME? I DON'T WANT TO READ THAT ON YOUR WEBLOG!"