Early Morning Blogging

I just finished a by-phone guest appearance on the fine New York radio show about comics, 'Nuff Said! It's been on for years, hosted by some combination of Ken Gale, Ed Menje and Mercy Van Vlack, broadcasting (now) over WBAI, which is listener-supported radio. For some reason, they thought having me on would bring in the pledges and I hope we got a couple. Over at their website, you may be able to locate info on how to hear old broadcasts. It's worth looking because there are some real gems in there.

While I was talking on the radio, I was simultaneously posting an old article on my website here. It's this one, a report on the 1996 (I said 1997 earlier) party celebrating the 100th birthday of the great ventriloquist, Señor Wences. I didn't write much in there about how Rickie Layne and Velvel did what I now think was Layne's last public performance…but he was there and folks who remembered him and Velvel from The Ed Sullivan Show were thrilled to see him there.

Okay, going to bed. And I just realized my doctor reads this weblog and will scold me for staying up so late. I'm still recuperating.