Recommended Reading

Daniel Gross explains why Rudy Giuliani's (and for that matter, George W. Bush's) health care proposal sucks. Actually, I will be very surprised if any health care plan proposed by a Republican in '08 won't suck. They'll all have to have one because the public will demand it of them. So the trick will be to come up with one like Giuliani's that either changes nothing or funnels more tax money into profits for private insurance firms and major pharmaceutical companies. Obviously, Iraq will be the big issue in the next election. But this one's shaping up as a close contender so a lot of what we're going to hear is candidates denouncing each others' proposals as unworkable and/or illusory.

Ultimately, what it may come down to is Republicans accusing Democrats of having no plan to fix Iraq, Democrats accusing Republicans of having no plan to fix health care…and both sides being right.