I just figured something out. For several weeks now, every time I go to Google, the ads in the margin are all trying to sell me Bobby Darin ringtones. I'm not sure if anyone in the world wants Bobby Darin on their cellphone but I sure don't…and I couldn't imagine why the Google people thought I'd be interested. They're supposed to have "targeted" ads, meaning that the ad relates in some way to you or your browsing habits, but I couldn't recall ever Googling the name of Bobby Darin.
So suddenly it dawns on me: My cousin David Evanier wrote a book about Bobby Darin. It's linking the name Evanier to Bobby Darin and that translates into some hyperspace assumption that I care about him. Mystery solved.
David also wrote a book about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. I don't want them on my cellphone, either.