He's Back!

People keep asking me when there will be more Groo. I'm not sure if they're asking because they want to race to their local comic shop then or steer clear but whatever their motives, they ask. For a long time, I haven't had a real answer for them because my collaborator, Sergio Aragonés was busy with whatever he does to earn a living (I have no idea) and I was swamped with whatever it is I do (likewise). But now I have something to tell the folks who ask.

There will be more Groo on August 1. That's the release date for The Groo 25th Anniversary Special, the cover of which looks something like the above. Here's what the official solicitation says about this thing…

Celebrate twenty-five years of the world's stupidest barbarian doing stupid and barbaric things! After a brief hiatus, the Champion of Cheese Dip is back to battle the menace of "The Plague," an all-new story by the same guys responsible for all the Groo stories for the last quarter-century, Sergio Aragonés and Mark Evanier. Also, thrill to The Groo Alphabet, a primer of that hero's friends and foes (mostly foes), followed by a special illustrated text story by Sergio and Mark on how this comic came to be and why it just won't go away. Plus other silly features.

So there you are. More Groo. Not only that but the following month, Dark Horse Comics — the same folks bringing you the special — will release the first issue of Groo: Hell on Earth, a four-issue mini-series. And we're also starting up the reprint paperbacks again but I don't want to mention that now and scare you into thinking you may get too much Groo. But you will. Let that be a lesson to you all about being careful what you ask for. It just might be Groo.