He's Here…He's There…He's Everywhere!

As some of you may recall, I've had some concern about the size of the crows in my neighborhood lately. They're now about the size of Lincoln Continentals.

But I have something new to worry about. I think I'm being stalked. What's more, I think I'm being stalked by John Lithgow.

Today, I went into a Bristol Farms market and as I was waiting to check out, I noticed that the man standing behind me in line was John Lithgow. This is the third time in thirty days I've encountered Mr. Lithgow. The first, which I didn't tell you about, was in a restaurant almost a month ago. He acted like he was there to eat with someone else but I wasn't fooled. He was there to keep an eye on me.

The second time was at the Billy Connelly performance mentioned here. Again, Lithgow feigned like he was there for some innocent reason like seeing the show…and he had me almost convinced. He's that good an actor. I was prepared to just consider the two run-ins a coincidence.

But today at Bristol Farms, I caught on. There he was with his little basket, pretending to be out grocery shopping, supposedly more interested in his purchases than he was in me. Nice try, Lithgow, but I'm on to you. I don't know what you're up to but it won't work.

Stay tuned to this weblog for more sightings of John Lithgow. And don't think there won't be plenty.