Black Market

For those of you who live in Southern California…

Lewis Black is doing a performance on Thursday evening, August 16, at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles. One suspects he will have something to say about the mere fact that he's performing in a building named for Mr. Disney.

As with most Lewis Black concert appearances, the scalping mechanism has already swooped in and gobbled up all the great seats and they're asking five and six times the face value. Recent experience suggests that'll seem like a bargain compared to what those tickets will cost in July.

I believe they went on sale last Sunday but the show hasn't been publicized much yet and there still seem to be some decent seats left at Ticketmaster. If you want to see him, you might want to click right on over. Compared to this, getting a hotel room for the Comic-Con in San Diego is like getting Viagra ads in your e-mail.