Star Struck

Dropped by the Hollywood Collectors Show this afternoon out in Burbank at what was once a Hilton and is now a Marriott. That's how it is sometimes in life. One day you're a Hilton and the next day, you're a Marriott. The next time I go there, I fully expect it to be the world's largest Motel Six.

Those of you who know about these events can skip this paragraph. Four or so times a year, a gent named Ray Courts stages these events, usually in Burbank but occasionally in other climates. There are dealers selling photos and movie posters and other show biz memorabilia but the big attraction is this: The room is full of stars of all kinds — TV stars, movie stars, silent screen stars, child stars, music stars…even some current working stars. They're all available to sell you an autographed photo or book and most are willing to just talk, especially after you've purchased an autographed photo or book. The purchase is not, with most, mandatory. I actually didn't spend a cent out there but had some nice conversations, regardless.

Two of them were with folks who've recently been featured in video links on this site — Bill "Jose Jiminez" Dana and William Schallert. Nothing all that interesting to report on either front, though I must say that Mr. Schallert seemed amazed at how many people were stopping by his table to buy a photo and tell him how much they've always liked seeing him on TV. It's also funny that back in the sixties, he played Admiral Hargrade, the ancient C.O.N.T.R.O.L. agent on Get Smart under heavy make-up…and now, forty-some-odd years later, he still looks younger than he did then. He was selling a still from that show and everyone was remarking about this.

Among the other celebs there, some of whom I had the chance to talk with, were Edie Adams, Gogi Grant, Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar, Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens, Kristy McNichol, David L. Lander, Katey Sagal, David Faustino, Mariette Hartley and many others. And while they weren't guests, my pal Earl Kress (who went with me) and I enjoyed running into Chuck McCann, Wally Wingert and Gary Owens, and lunching with the latter. (By the way: Earl, over on his website, has a good post up about that Bill Dana/Hanna-Barbera cartoon I keep babbling about here.)

The Hollywood Collectors Show concludes tomorrow (Saturday) and most of the same guests will be there. It's $15 to get in and they nick you another seven for parking. That is, if you can find a space. You might have to wait around until the whole complex turns into a Holiday Inn Express or something.