Today's Video Link

Here's another Raid commercial. I don't think Tex Avery directed this one. I'm including it mostly because the parody of the song, "M.T.A.", is so bizarre.

I think the one word the mouse yells — "Raid!" — is Mel Blanc — probably lifted from the track for another Raid commercial — but you can't always be certain with one word. I'm more intrigued by who the singer is. Is that Glenn Yarbrough of the Limeliters? Or is it someone doing a great Glenn Yarbrough impression? And "M.T.A." was a hit for the Kingston Trio. I think the Limeliters performed it occasionally and may even have recorded it…but why have Yarbrough (or someone imitating him) perform a commercial parodying a rival group's hit?

I don't expect answers to any of this. I just think it's strange…or at least, strange enough to be Today's Video Link. You might as well click. It's only forty seconds.