So what's the deal with Bush's alleged "health care" proposal? Doesn't it sound like he gathered together his aides and asked them to come up with some new proposal that was guaranteed to not go anywhere and to piss off everyone in the process? If you hate the idea of increased government involvement in our medical lives, you're probably annoyed that he's legitimizing that goal and suggesting it would be a good idea for something to be done in that area. If you love the idea, you're probably annoyed that he's come up with such a terrible one.
Isn't Bush down to the point where his remaining constituency is mainly people who love him for his tax cuts? For the last decade or three, any time a Democrat has suggested anything that might cause someone to pay a dime more to any government than they did before, those people have screamed "TAX INCREASE!!!" What Bush is proposing here would certainly qualify as one by even a more realistic definition. So, given what a tax hike did to his father's popularity with that same crowd, why is this Bush opening himself to that charge? Especially for a proposal that won't even have much Republican support, let alone the Democratic backing it would need to become a reality?
That's what I wanna know.