Today's Video Link

My blog isn't happy unless it has a little Laurel and Hardy on it from time to time. Here's the trailer from the last film they made for the Hal Roach Studio before decamping for Twentieth-Century Fox, Saps at Sea. As a kid, I owned — and come to think of it, still own 'cause it's in a closet here somewhere — an 8mm silent print of this movie. A company called Blackhawk Films released it, adding in title cards here and there to make up for the absence of sound. I'm not sure why I bought it or if I ever watched it all the way through that way. As much as I love Stan and Ollie, their sound films kinda need sound…and this one, which is about how Hardy goes nuts whenever he hears a horn, needs it more than most. I guess I just love to watch these guys…