Being Vetted

The FBI is investigating numerous reports of men claiming to be war heroes who aren't. One of them, a North Carolina man named Randall Moneymaker, allegedly fibbed to collect more than $18,000 in disability payments. I don't know if he did or he didn't but I think it's a good idea not to try and con people out of cash when your name is Randy Moneymaker.

On a related note: Lately, every homeless male I see with a cardboard sign asking for money is claiming on it to be a veteran…some of Vietnam, some of Iraq. I rarely give those folks anything, preferring to direct my charity to an agency that I know will put it to the best possible use. But I'm wondering if anyone has ever done a survey to determine what percentage of them actually are what the signs say they are.

I know this is not high on too many priority lists these days, but I wish we could do more to get these folks into some kind of shelter or assistance program. It's not even a matter of simple human compassion…although that is certainly reason enough. But it would also be good for everyone because it's a health and crime hazard, and the way the economy's going, some of us may be joining them on those street corners soon. I'm thinking of having my sign say "Will blog for food."