Obama's Speech

Also pretty good…and some of the rhetoric made a nice fit with Senator McCain's.

Well, let's see. All the networks have Obama at 338 electoral votes. If he wins Indiana or Missouri, either one could give him 11 more and he'd hit my prediction of 349. But he could win both and he's also leading in North Carolina, which I figured would go McCain on us. So maybe I underestimated the guy.

Can I just say that some of the networks spent way too much money on fancy computer graphics? Blitzer on CNN and Chuck Todd over on MSNBC looked like they were trapped in bad videogames.

I like that the victory seems to be unquestioned. For all the fears about stolen votes and malfunctioning voting machines, those concerns seem to have gone away once the returns began coming in. There'll be a few charges of vote theft (or simple ineptness) and they oughta be investigated and rectified even though they won't be numerous enough to change the outcome.

I'll think of more stuff to write in a little while. I just realized I haven't eaten.